Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Currently there is no fee to join MMWR and no specifications required for membership. If you have a love of reading, writing and helping others, MMWR is the group for you!


MMWR's first meeting will be held at:

Barnes & Noble BooksellersMid Rivers
320 Mid Rivers Center Drive
St Peters, MO 63376

Date and Time to be announced!
Missy Sue Hanson founded MMWR as a way to connect with women like her......friendship and support was her main focus. Missy is the author of two paranormal romance novels, Bayou Summons and Whisper Moon. In 2007, Missy acted as the Head Cover artist at Dark Eden Press as well as performed cover art and editorial duties for Lavender Isis Press. She is currently designing covers for Linden Bay Romance as well as Lachesis Publishing.

She lives in the Midwest with the her son and also runs a business in which she sells vintage-inspired art and items.

MMWR Events

Currently scheduling events for 2008. If you would like MMWR to assist in a fundrasier for your charity or location, please see our Contact page.

MMWR's first meeting will be held at:

Barnes & Noble BooksellersMid Rivers
320 Mid Rivers Center Drive
St Peters, MO 63376

Date and Time to be announced!

About MMWR

MMWR was founded out of the desire to build close relationships that would enrich the lives of women as well as the community around them. Dreams are hard to hold on to alone, but when you have a steady, constant stream of support from like-minded women, it makes the hold a little less slippery.

As well as focusing on writers, MMWR will further build the unity within the group by fundraising, holding special events and donating to worthy causes. The women of the group meet at least once a month for fun, workshops and writing challenges. If you'd like to join or have items or services that you would like to donate for future events, please see our Contact page.

Midwest Mamas Write Romance

Welcome to MMWR, a group that consists of romance authors, aspiring authors and women who just love to read romance. Our goal is to provide friendship, support and comraderie to women locally as well as making an impact on our community.

Along with monthly meetings, we plan to have special events such as fundraising for local and national charities, book signings and more. If you would like to join MMWR or would like to donate items for special events, please see our Contact page. Thank you for visiting!